got my disc… now what?

so now you have all these lovely pictures… different angles, some of kids, individuals, just mom and dad, or a variety of wedding shots. here’s what i did. i cut pieces of paper to replicate (to scale, i used cm) the collage i wanted. so i took my six different pieces of paper and played around with them on the floor, i’m not much of an interior designer but this is what i came up with, i googled “wall collages” to see other examples, too. from there i wrote what picture i wanted for each size, and then uploaded to them to my printing site that i use. you can certainly use frames, i just wanted a more gallery look.

i liked these as well….

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Holly - August 25, 2010 - 10:42 pm

I know you posted this about a year ago but I just googled “wall callages” and this came up. I LOVE what you did in your top example!!! It is my style and the gallery look I want. Did you print on a thin canvas? How are your photos mounted on the black board if it is not canvas? Dying to know…

Thanks, Holly

Spring Giveaway! » Cat's Cradle blog - April 22, 2011 - 8:34 pm

[…] last one, as I saw it awhile ago and didn’t bookmark it. I love it partly because I love the CANVAS DISPLAY and partly because I have a thing about old gas […]

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