{cornfield pictures part 2} az family photographer

stephanie moore is one of my good photography friends, and so it was a lot of fun to have this little photo session with her.  it was her and i snapping away as we sweated it out.  she actually looks great in her shots.  when she turned to me to have some shots of me and my family i looked down at my huge belly, and dripping face and thought, hm, maybe next time.  she is adorable and you should check her out.  thanks to raquel and crystal for also helping out with the chaos.  you are awesome.

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Erika - July 13, 2010 - 5:27 pm

What a fun location and cute, cute kids!

Steph - July 14, 2010 - 1:57 am

Love them Aubry they are great, you really captured some fun moments!!! And I love the last one of Josie, oh my heck it is hilarious!

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