{me} phoenix photographer

i always feel like i’m in “learning mode” when it comes to my photography.  i’m passionate about it, but it can get frustrating while i’m trying to keep improving.  this past march i dragged my family out to california for a mentor session/family session with denise bovee.  she is such an inspiration to me and i adore her style.  here are some shots from the mentor session… i’ll post ones of my family soon and how i arranged the collage on my wall.

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Rachel Del Grosso - August 9, 2011 - 12:18 pm

You are so pretty! These are lovely photos.

Stephanie Moore {Tucson AZ Photographer} - August 9, 2011 - 4:01 pm

Seriously Aubs? Oh heavens these are so beautiful! I mean hot hot hot momma. I love the way she photographed you, it’s so real and gorgeous. I am in love w/ these, they are beautiful!

shannon - August 11, 2011 - 8:25 pm

oh now theres a face to the name. you are too freakin cute. so so pretty :)

Gina Oh | Gina Maxine Photography - August 12, 2011 - 2:43 pm

you are GORGEOUS!! move over miss america…

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