{moore family} phoenix az family photographers

the first time i met stephanie was at her parent’s house and it was there that i planted a seed that photography would be something that she would love.  that has led to an amazing friendship and i’ve loved watching her become the talent that she is now.  i’m so impressed with her drive and passion.  she has since introduced me to the bloom forum and invited me to take part in her photography projects.  thanks steph, for motivating me and also for a fun evening with your cute family; i loved every minute of it.

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STephanie Moore - January 15, 2012 - 8:54 am

Thanks so much Aubs, it was such a great night. You did awesome!!!!!

Kirsty-Abu Dhabi - January 25, 2012 - 11:56 pm

Just saw these on Stephanie’s blog – they are amazing – you captured them beautifully :)

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