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{project 26} a day in my life

this week has been so tough for us.  sick sick sick.  it’s like 100 degrees out and we all caught the worst cold/flu whatever it was.  today we finally felt better and ventured out of the house.  this is very typical of what goes on in my day.  the 4 of us hitting the road to go preschool, to workout, gymnastics, tennis, library (had to throw that in), lunch.  i just see this scene everyday and thought it would be a perfect shot for this week’s theme: A DAY IN MY LIFE.

click on over to breeze floyd and see what a day looks like in her life

Kara May - May 25, 2012 - 9:29 am

So perfect! Love this photo! It’s real, it’s life, it’s a moment captured that you’ll cherish. I need to take a picture like this. This is living. This is happiness. This is life. So glad you posted this.

gina - May 29, 2012 - 5:30 pm

perfect, real life on the go. my girlies are 14, 17 and 23…but these days are still right up inn the front of my mind;)

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