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got my disc… now what?

so now you have all these lovely pictures… different angles, some of kids, individuals, just mom and dad, or a variety of wedding shots. here’s what i did. i cut pieces of paper to replicate (to scale, i used cm) the collage i wanted. so i took my six different pieces of paper and played around with them on the floor, i’m not much of an interior designer but this is what i came up with, i googled “wall collages” to see other examples, too. from there i wrote what picture i wanted for each size, and then uploaded to them to my printing site that i use. you can certainly use frames, i just wanted a more gallery look.

i liked these as well….

Holly - August 25, 2010 - 10:42 pm

I know you posted this about a year ago but I just googled “wall callages” and this came up. I LOVE what you did in your top example!!! It is my style and the gallery look I want. Did you print on a thin canvas? How are your photos mounted on the black board if it is not canvas? Dying to know…

Thanks, Holly

Spring Giveaway! » Cat's Cradle blog - April 22, 2011 - 8:34 pm

[…] last one, as I saw it awhile ago and didn’t bookmark it. I love it partly because I love the CANVAS DISPLAY and partly because I have a thing about old gas […]

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“aaha” moment

i’ve been saying that i’ve wanted to use this blog for more than just posting client pics, and i’ve yet to write anything on my mind.
soooo i’ve really been trying to define my style. here i’ll show you something that is so simple, and have given my pictures a boost. i’ll take a picture that i like, play with curves (s-curve) and levels (add more blacks), warm it up, and then give it a good sharpen. wahlaaa, simple and natural. keeping things simple has really been appealing to me lately.

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